3D Graphics, Illustration, Software Engineering, Game Development
Interdimensional 3D puzzle game!
Minecraft - click image to scroll through gallery
Simple Minecraft implementation done in cs195u. Written from scratch in C++ with OpenGL for graphics. Terrain is generated using 3D simplex noise, blocks are stored in 32x32x32 arrays of chars (chunks). Chunks are streamed in as you move around the world to make it feel infinite, and vertex buffer objects and view frustum culling are used to draw more chunks at once. There is basic platforming and collision detection, simple enemies, and the ability to add and remove blocks using fast voxel traversal. Video coming at some point...
Code Grey
Graphics Programming
Cloth Simulator
Global Illumination Rendering Algorithms (cs224) - Click for full size
Additional papers implemented in cs224:
As Rigid As Possible Shape Manipulation
Adaptive Unwrapping for Interactive Texture Painting
(I don't have images/videos for these yet...)